

    At present, there are two different Uses available to El Shaddai Messianic Orthodox Catholic Church parishes:

    Divine Liturgy of Saint Tikhon: This liturgy is currently used by approximately two-thirds of congregations in the Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate. The Rite of St. Tikhon was developed utilizing the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer and the Anglican Missal. The Book of Common Prayer was altered by removing the filioque from the text of the Nicene Creed, and to include prayers for the dead, the invocation of the saints, and strengthening the epiclesis within the Eucharistic prayer, and by adding the pre-communion prayers from the Byzantine Rite. It is utilized primarily by parishes formally of an Anglican/Episcopal background.
    Divine Liturgy of Saint Gregory: Utilized by the remainder of the Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate as well as some communities in The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, this rite is a version of the Roman Tridentine Mass which has been altered to remove the filioque and inserting a Byzantine epiclesis. It is used primarily by parishes formerly of a Lutheran, Roman Catholic, or Old Catholic background, including those incorporated from the Society of Saint Basil in 1961. Additionally, in the Russian Orthodox Church, there are three versions in common use: that of Overbeck (The Overbeck text was printed in full in the 1960 Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia yearbook), the Use of Mt. Royal (based upon the Carthusian use, itself adapted from the old rite of Grenoble), and the derivative use of Christminster (Usus Providentiae) which includes an epiclesis from the Gothic Missal.