

    If you are interested in Military or VA hospital chaplaincies,  Please contact

    Mor Ike Eweama PhD, Dmin, MSC
    Bishop Armed Forces and VA Chaplaincies

    Mor Abdiel Theophorus Tikhon, Dmin, MSC

    Vicar General


    Chaplain Candidate Program

    Are you looking for an exciting new way to practice your ministry? Then the Chaplain Candidate Program in the United States Armed Forces may be right for you. The Chaplain Candidate Programs allow seminary students to gain ministry experience and serve their country while studying for ordination. The United States Army Reserve, Army National Guard, Navy, Reserve and Air Force Reserve all provide a Chaplain Candidate Program for seminary students who are interested in becoming Military Chaplains. Chaplain Candidates are full time seminary students who have graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with at least 120 semester hours. Chaplain Candidates are directly commissioned as 2nd lieutenants or ensigns (O-1) and attend a Basic Officer’s training course. Chaplain Candidates are paid as Officers (O-1) and may also receive educational benefits as well. Chaplain Candidates endorsed by the Roman Catholic Orthodox Holy Apostolic Church should be those who feel called to pursue ordination to the priesthood through the canonical process. The various branches of the military have different requirements for join their Chaplain Candidate Programs. The requirements can be found at these locations:



    Air Force:

    For Chaplains seeking affiliation with the Roman Catholic Orthodox Holy Apostolic Church

    Clergy seeking endorsement through the the Roman Catholic Orthodox Holy Apostolic Church who were ordained by non-catholic or Orthodox Church should contact the vicar general The Rt. Rev Manuel Otero, Dmin, MSC in order to insure that all pertinent canonical requirements are met before endorsement.

    Military service links

    The following are links to each service's web site:

    §  Air Force Chaplain Corps

    §  Army Chaplaincy

    §  Coast Guard *

    §  Marine Corps *

    §  Navy *

    * The Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy are under the same command 

    Rule of life for Chaplains 

    These are the spiritual guidelines for all Chaplains. 

    Chaplains are to pray daily the morning and evening office. intercessory prayers are to be offered daily for all the Roman Catholic Orthodox Holy Apostolic Church Chaplains by name.

    Chaplains are to correspond with their endorsing bishop four times a year during the ember days providing him with an update of their ministries, their families, and what spiritual/theological reading is being done.

    Chaplains are to make a sacramental confession during advent and lent. it is encouraged that there be greater frequency beyond the seasons of Advent and Lent. They are to seek out a receptive Roman Catholic or Orthodox priest if an Roman Catholic Orthodox Holy Apostolic Church priest is not available.

    Chaplains are expected to attend the annual conference.

    Chaplains are to make an annual monetary gift to the Chaplaincy Deanery of the Archdiocese